MIS 21 Handson Exam

Handson exam: Create a Windows application that connects to the following Owners Database with two tables (PERSON and THING). The application should start with a form with two buttons that:
  1. searches for a PERSON record given his/her initials, and displays that person's first and last name (40 points)
  2. opens a new form that lists all THINGs (description) that the selected person owns (40 points). The new form should display the name of the person as well.
For the search function, display "Not Found" if there is no matching record (10 points). The second button should not open the second form if a person has not been selected; instead, display a message box with the message "Select Owner First" (10 points). You may pattern your program after this EXE file

Zip the project and submit through moodle.