Lab 3: Cashiers in a Grocery

Download this BlueJ project that contains a PriceAndStockManager class and an incomplete Cashier class.
  1. Complete the methods in the Cashier class.
  2. Create a Grocery class that tests the classes. That class should contain a main method that creates a PriceAndStockManager object and two Cashier objects (associated with the manager object). Invoke the buy methods from the cashier objects and then check the stock levels of the the different products.
  3. Arrange it so that PriceAndStockManager instead aggregates and manages Product objects. In the Product class, price and stock level should be stored; there will then be three Product objects in PriceAndStockManager. The Cashier and Grocery classes should still work after the revision. At this point you will have four classes in your project: Grocery, Product, PriceAndStockManager, and Cashier.