C++ Lab Exercises 1 (no submissions necessary)

  1. Launch DevCPP, create a source file called hello.cpp and type in or cut and paste the following text . Save the file in a folder you can access and then, compile and execute. It will be useful to execute the program via the command line (CMD); type "hello.exe" but you have to "cd" to the folder. This vbscript allows you to run CMD on a folder.
  2. Functions and classes in CPP. Create, compile and execute the program in this text file . Name this program BankApp.cpp.
  3. Separate compilation. Functions, classes, and the code that uses those functions and classes can be placed in separate source files. Here you will need to create a CPP project. Add to the project these three source files: Build the project, and then execute
  4. Modules. The more proper way to separately compile code is with header files. This eliminates some redundancies in written code. Create and build a project with the following files: