Project 2 (Due September 19)

Taking off from Project 1, create three classes that simulate operations in a hotel. Click on the class names for a more complete specification of each class.




A class is provided that tests your classes. Once this class executes, the following output should be produced. Note the error messages printed during error cases.

Important Note: Your classes must eliminate redundancies in code.

Again, create a HotelConsole class with a main method that creates a single Hotel object and a single Receptionist object (associated with the hotel), then repeatedly asks the user for input then carries out transactions on the Hotel object (through the Receptionist object) as indicated. Use the Scanner class for keyboard input. Your HotelConsole must support all the functions of a single Receptionist.

Submit a zip file containing all classes through Moodle by September 19, midnight. Include appropriate javadoc comments in your classes.